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Madison Metropolitan School District

Lindbergh Garden

The school vegetable garden is planted. In May and June the students helped dig up the dirt and put in the plants. We will have tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beets and kale in September which the students will harvest and bring home. We will also make kale and fruit smoothies in the classroom as part of the harvest celebration. Mr. Ken Stancer, volunteer coordinator, will be in the garden regularly, usually week day evenings around 7 p.m. If any families would like to come out to the garden you are welcome to stop by if you see Mr. Stancer there, or send him an email to set up a specific time. It's exciting to see how the plants grow through the summer. In addition to the vegetable garden, we have the pollinator garden started and there are many beautiful plants to admire.
We are also happy to receive help from anyone who would like to weed or assist Mr. Stancer with other tasks. To contact Mr. Stancer, email (

Garden Update 6/23/20
A message from Mr. Stancer
Welcome to the Lindbergh Garden!


Vegetables planted

Lettuce  |  Lechuga  |  Zaub xas lav

Radish  |  Rábano  |  Zaub ntug

Kale  |  Col rizada  |  Zaub nplooj caws

Beets  |  Remolacha  |  Zaub qos ntug liab

Red Cabbage  |  Repollo rojo  |  Zaub qhwv liab

Chinese Cabbage  |  Repollo chino  |  Zaub qhwv suav

Broccoli  |  Brócoli  |  Zaub broccoli

Cauliflower  |  Coliflor  |  Cauliflower

Peppers  |  Pimentones  |  Kua txob

Tomatoes  |  Tomates  |  Txiv lws suav

Eggplant  |  Berenjena  |  Txiv lws

Potatoes  |  Papas  |  Qos yaj ywm

Zucchini Squash  |  Calabacín  |  Xwb kuab

Green Beans  |  Habichuelas  |  Taum lag

Carrots  |  Zanahorias  |  Carrots